Aug 25, 2020
In this episode, Jeremiah talks about being proactive and taking action. The hypothesis is that our dreams and ambitions are interconnected with our relationship with God. The experiment is to take your desires, whether big or small, and simply do something about them. Small steps can lead to big results.
The God...
Aug 18, 2020
The hypothesis of this episode is that when we are honest with God, we build a relationship of trust which allows God to move in transformative ways. The experiment is to take time everyday to speak truthfully to the Heavenly Father about the deeper things in your heart.
The God Experiment is a podcast dedicated to...
Aug 11, 2020
In this episode, Jeremiah talks about friendship. The hypothesis is that a friendship is available with Jesus Christ, and it is a powerful kind of relationship that we are also meant to have with one another. The experiment is to be an active friend to others.
The God Experiment is a podcast dedicated to exploring...
Aug 4, 2020
Jeremiah talks about one of the basic building blocks of our relationships with God and others. The hypothesis is that in a healthy relationship, all wants and needs are discussed directly. The experiment is to communicate your interests and listen for the interests of the others.
The God Experiment is a podcast...