Jan 27, 2021
In this episode Jeremiah talks about how our relationships affect our identity. The hypothesis is that our search for meaning will go unfulfilled if we do not deepen our relationship with God and with others. The experiment is to find a greater sense of identity and purpose in God and in the relationships He has given you.
Jan 19, 2021
The hypothesis is that we can do so many important things, but that if we are not careful, they can take us away from a genuine relationship with God. The experiment is to discover where we are anxious and troubled, and let it all go while simply spending time with Jesus.
Jan 12, 2021
In this episode, Jeremiah talks about a creative principle involved in reading the Bible. The hypothesis is that we will not understand the full message of the Bible unless can see ourselves as its villains. The experiment is to read your favorite story in the Bible and recognize how you might be similar to the "bad guys."
Jan 6, 2021
The hypothesis is that God's glory is an aspect of who He is, and that it can be experienced and shared with humanity. The experiment is to take any experience you've had with the radiance and love of God and to glorify Him with it.